Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Daniel's progress - NEW UPDATE!!

Daniel's counts were high enough to start the final round of intensive chemo as of Wed June 27. This round has two halves - three weeks of treatment, then a break until his counts are high enough to continue with the second half, which is another three weeks of treatment.
I am THRILLED to say that today was the third of the first three treatments, and Daniel is handling it like a CHAMP!!!! Not a single side effect from the new meds this round!!! He feels good, but is still on steroids for another six days -- this makes him hungry, chubby, irritable and moody. Not my normal baby, but nowhere near as bad as what it took to get him into remission.
All in all, so far not as bad as I expected. With any luck, his counts will not drop too low, and we will be able to start the second half of the final round of chemo two weeks from today, on July 25. That will be ugly, with 8 days of chemo in the first two weeks.
But at least the end is in sight!!! Please keep Daniel in your thoughts, we'll take all the love and hugs we can get.
I would also like to say that Hannah has been a champion big sister -- very understanding of the extra attention Daniel is getting, very good at playing with him and keeping him occupied, helps to entertain him when it's time to take his meds -- she is handling all of this very well, and deserves HUGE hugs too.

1 comment:

Calamity Jen said...

Many hugs and kisses to all of you. You are always in my thoughts and I am pleased to hear how well Daniel is doing.