Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Daniel's progress - Here's the latest

So the good news is that Daniel is doing fine, not suffering any major side effects from the chemo (except for a wicked canker sore in his mouth), has good energy and is in a pretty good mood.
The bad news is that his counts were not high enough to start the second half of this phase of chemo today, so we have a one-week delay, and try again next Wednesday.
But the docs said that most kids experience this, it's very normal, and there is nothing wrong at all.
So although the end is in sight, it will take a little bit longer to get there.
But happily, once we can start, we plow through the second half without stopping.
So keep your fingers crossed that next week will bring better numbers, and we can get things going - can't wait for all this to be over!

1 comment:

Calamity Jen said...

As requested, my fingers are crossed for better numbers next week. It sounds like Daniel has been a real trooper through this whole ordeal (as have the rest of the family members).