Sunday, July 19, 2009

And so the countdown begins...

It's been quite a summer so far, and it only promises to get better.
On June 23rd, Daniel turned six years old. It was a great day, what with the party, cake, presents and green mohawk. Not a bad look, but not for everyday, I think.
By the end of the day, our house looked like a toy warehouse. But it was well worth it, he had a blast; and it was so great to be able to plan a party without worrying whether he would be well enough three weeks down the road. Yay for normal life!!

Last week Hannah & I went to London with my parents; it was her special treat for being such a great big sister over the last couple of years. She has had to give up a lot because of Daniel's treatment, and we wanted to do something special just for her. So Hannah's first trip to Europe was a great success - she was good as gold, and had a great time, from the Tower of London to St Paul's, to Harrod's to Trafalgar Square. She's a great traveller, and a terrific big sister.

And on July 31st, we start another round of chemo, round #9 out of 11. It's a full day, including a spinal tap in Cujo's Room, so Daniel is stoked! He loves the spinal taps - specifically, he loves the propofol they give him to knock him out. He says it gives him 'brain freeze', then when he wakes up he gets Burger King - what's not to love? These are his favourite days. Mine not so much. But the best part of this is that we have 9 months of treatment left. Yes, that's right, just 9 months. We have been officially given our end date, and Daniel will finish treatment on April 27, 2010.

I'm already planning the party. Life is good. :)

1 comment:

Calamity Jen said...

Such wonderful news! How lovely that you gave Hannah such a special thank-you for being such a great big sister.