Sunday, May 31, 2009

A Dream Is A Wish Your Heart Makes

Well, we just returned last night from DisneyWorld in Orlando, courtesy of the Make A Wish Foundation. Daniel was granted a wish, and his was to go to DisneyWorld. We all had a wonderful time, and were treated like royalty all week! What a wonderful break for all of us, and a real treat to spend time together as a family; this was our first vacation since Daniel was diagnosed two years ago.

Firstly, I cannot say enough about the Make A Wish Foundation, and their partner organization in Orlando, Give Kids The World. GKTW is a resort which accommodates wish children & their families, and they go so far above and beyond any reasonable expectation of service, I am left speechless by their generosity and kindness.
That complete strangers would go to such lengths to make happy memories for children who have endured what no child should have to, is a beautiful thing.
Disney/Universal Studios/SeaWorld also went above & beyond, putting Daniel at the front of the line for everything from rides to meeting characters. It was like travelling with a rock star! And Hannah was treated equally well, which was a pleasure to see, since she has given up a lot in the last couple of years too.

We visited 8 parks in 6 days, and did everything on the kids' wish list and more. We did roller coasters, water parks, 3D movies, 4D movies, splash pads, wave pools, fireworks, international spy missions, ice cream for breakfast, horseback riding, mini golf, face painting, tattoos, dance parties, parades, Christmas parties, dozens of thrill rides, fed stingrays, petted dolphins, saw Shamu, chased aliens, played Candyland on a life-sized board, played arcade games, won talent competitions, met dozens of characters and superheroes and wrestlers, ordered pizza at bedtime and I even got a pie in the face, courtesy of Hannah. We all made new friends from Edmonton, Colorado & Ireland. We had a week of limitless fun and happiness, and it was amazing!!

Please check out our photo album; I have uploaded a selection of the best pictures of the week.

1 comment:

Calamity Jen said...

What an amazing time it must have been for the kids! How wonderful that there are organizations out there dedicated to such worthwhile endeavours. Great pics, too!