Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's a small world after all

This time around, we have good news on two fronts.

Firstly, Daniel's bloodwork is looking good again. His counts were quite low in January, because he had been sick for a few weeks and his body was just pooped from fighting different viruses. So, knowing that iron aids in the production of blood cells, I set up a game for the kids. I made a poster with foods that were high in iron (beef kebabs, hamburgers, broccoli, cereal, etc), and put it up on the fridge. Then I filled baskets with treats from the dollar store, all wrapped up. Every time they eat something from the poster, they get to pick a prize from the treat basket. Luckily, my children are quite mercenary, and will happily change their eating habits if it means they get the goods. As a result, Daniel's blood counts have bounced back up, and are once again hovering just below the normal ranges, which is fantastic for a kid consuming the amount of pharmaceuticals that he is.

Our second bit of good news is that we got confirmation from Make A Wish for Daniel's trip. We'll be going to DisneyWorld in May, and we're all looking forward to it. Daniel is busy working on his list of favourite Disney characters that he wants to meet. Hannah and Daniel are so excited, and I'm sure they haven't fully grasped the whole scope of what awaits them. Waterparks, rides, ice cream for breakfast, fireworks every's going to be an amazing week. They're pretty excitable over little stuff, so I think by the time May comes, they could be ready to explode!

1 comment:

Calamity Jen said...

Congrats! What great news!