Wednesday, August 1, 2007


GREAT NEWS - We're in the home stretch!!
Daniel's counts were good today, so we were able to start the last half of the last stage of intensive chemo...and after 9 1/2 hours at the hospital today, the worst day of this whole thing is now behind us !!
So now we plow right through the next two weeks with no stopping (3 more treatments this week, 4 more next week) and then a two week break, then we start long term maintenance, which takes us through spring 2010.
Daniel can start JK in Sept, I can return to work, and life can start to get back to normal, whatever that is!
Thanks everyone for keeping your fingers crossed (and toes, and anything else...)
Your love and support does more than you know to keep pushing us forward.
Plus now that the steroids are long gone, I have my baby back!!! No more grumpiness, fighting, screaming, mood swings -- just my happy, smiling, beautiful baby!


Gimme a sign said...

Wonderful news, Marlene! I'm very happy for you all.

Kelly said...

Yay! God is good.

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that Daniel is back to himself. Now you all need a nice vacation together to celebrate & relax before normal life resumes!