Saturday, August 18, 2007


We are thrilled to say that the ugly Delayed Intensification phase is now behind us, and it is official: the worst is over, and Daniel is kicking butt.
Most kids end up in hospital at some point over this phase due to fever, infection, etc. BUT NOT DANIEL - he has had neither, and his counts are already on the way back up.
So now the last phase is Long Term Maintenance, which will be the next 2 1/2 years. We go in to the hospital every two weeks, alternately for chemo one time and then just bloodwork and a checkup the next time. Once every two weeks is a lot better than four times a week, and everything he gets from here on out he has had before with no difficulties and minimal side effects, so it is very manageable. We hope to start either next Friday (Aug 24th) or the Friday after that (Aug 31st).
All of which means that Daniel will be ready to start school on time, and I will go back to work the week after that, and life can return to (sort of) normal, not that we were a normal family before :)
But first, a well-deserved break for all four of us -- it's been a long six months!


Calamity Jen said...

Hooray! I'm thrilled that the worst is behind you.

Anonymous said...

YAY!!!! That's awesome news! I'm happy for you that things will be getting back to "normal" for you guys :) When's the celebration??

Anonymous said...

Hollllaa.....Great to know that things will be getting back to "normal" ....and we will be doing the happy dance for you guys.

Anonymous said...

Great news!!! I should've read this before writing on your wall.
Soooo happy for you all.
God is great! :)