Monday, September 17, 2007


We are thrilled to report that as of this past Friday, September 14th, Daniel has entered the Long Term Maintenance portion of his treatment protocol. There will still be chemo treatments, but once every 4 weeks, with a checkup and bloodwork in between, so we'll see the doctor once every 2 weeks, but that's much less than before. The rest is all meds to be taken at home, and is very manageable.
Daniel's bloodwork last week was great, about the best it's been in months, with everything back within normal ranges or just a hair below.
Daniel is feeling great, and his hair (which he had lost completely during this last phase) is growing back rapidly.
We no longer have to stay in the house all the time; Daniel has been out for dinner twice and to a Jays game in just the last week, and is cottage-bound this weekend.
He started school last week, and is enjoying JK so far (even though he can't tell me what they are learning, or even the names of any other kids in his class!).
I have returned to work, and life is back to "normal". Happily, we were a rather abnormal family to begin with, so I guess "normal" is subjective. But we'll take it.

1 comment:

Calamity Jen said...

That's wonderful! Give Daniel a big hug for me, even though he has no idea who I am. Take one for yourself, too.